Where all pets are treated like our own!

At Glamour Grooming, we are very particular about keeping our grooming shop clean and sanitary. The bath tub, floor, and cages are disinfected daily. Our blades and other grooming equipment are sanitized after each use.

At Glamour Grooming we offer the best value and quality grooming for your dollar. We go the distance to please each customer with their request. There is always a set pattern for each long haired pet, but we realize that every customer's needs are different. Most customers want something a little different from the normal haircut for their pet, and we try our best to deliver.

Each Glamour Grooming haircut consists of the following:
- a body pattern haircut -
- the use of shampoo and conditioner -
- cleaning ears and cutting nails -
- expressing anal glands -
- sanitary (clean around private area) -
- bandana or bows (females only) -
- polish (female poodles only) -

Additional Services offered: Medicated Bath, Oatmeal Bath, Flea and Tick Bath, Flea and Tick Dip, and Hot Oil Treatment.

Shop Hours:
Monday and Saturday - By appointment
Tuesday through Saturday - 9:00AM to 5:00PM

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